of the World Youth Choir 2017
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The Summer Session 2017 of the World Youth Choir will take placebetween July 4th and July 24th, first at the great venue of the Kodály Centre in Pécs, Hungary, one of the best conference and concert venue of Central Europe, and then in a tour of concerts that will take the Choir into an unforgettable experience through Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovian, Croatia and Slovenia (details will be confirmed by the end of April 2017). The core programme of the World Youth Choir for 2017 will consist of classical and contemporary pieces (e.g. Mendelssohn, Tajcevic, Kodály, Forte, Orbán), and of folk arrangements form the countries where the tour takes place. Thanks to the rich diversity of the conductors it will also include African folk tunes, African-American spirituals, and contemporary compositions from all around the world. The World Youth Choir will be directed by conductors Zoltán Pad from Hungary and Ken Wakia from Kenya.
The World Youth Choir Management would like to acknowledge all our partners, national recruiters, WYC alumni and audition supervisors that helped to audition an outstanding number of high- quality applications for this year’s edition of the WYC. The recruitment process could not have been carried out without their invaluable help and for this we would like to publicly thank them.
Charlotte Botha - South Africa
Gabrielle Camacho - Brazil
Agnieszka Długołęcka - Poland
Anna Campmany Duch - Spain
Nadezhda Dimitrova - Bulgaria
On-ying Angela Yiu - Hong Kong
Kretz Cécile - France
Hsi Ying Chang - Taiwan
Shannon Romba - United States
Laura Fernández - Spain
Gabriela Esmeralda Martínez H. - Mexico
Aniangi Michell Vieira F. - Venezuela
Ana Arán - Spain
Aurore Clerbois - Belgium
Hana Salihovic - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Cynthia Hagelstein - Belgium
Nika Mutak - Croatia
Mechthild Rommelspracher - Germany
Sterre Decru - Belgium
Jovana Filipovic - Serbia
Anna Szabo - Australia
Anastasia Dillon - Argentina
Elyse Delaney - Canada
Laura Chareun - Switzerland
Ivy Szot - Brazil
Viktoria Belova - Russia
Tjasa Fajdiga - Slovenia
Aliz Andrea Kiss - Hungary
Jussi Salonen - Finland
David Medrado - Brazil
Robert Pirk - Estonia
Shih-Hao Lai - Taiwan
Yuto Yamaguchi - Japan
Alberto Araújo - Portugal
Tobias Christian Stückelberger - Switzerland
Pathorn Swasdisuk - Thailand
Mbindamanu Suasisa Gloire - Congo
Felipe da Paz Soares - Brazil
Aljaz Bastic - Slovenia
Aitor Garitano - Spain
Joseph Okello - Kenya
Yi-Chiang Chiu - Taiwan
Esteban Adolfo Aranguiz - Argentina
Guilherme Amorim Rocha - Brazil
Filip Cieszyński - Poland
Elias Aaron Johansson - Sweden
Yonathan Villarreal - Venezuela
Timothy Ferguson - United Kingdom
Guilherme Roberto - Brazil
Willingerd Samuel Gimenez A.- Venezuela
Bryan Pei En Chong - Malaysian
Jarod Spence - South Africa
Anderson Piaspam - Venezuela
David McCune - Canada
Boldizsár Zajkás - Hungary
Kelvin Omulo - Kenya
All the singers above have been contacted and will take part in the World Youth Choir pending submission of their signed confirmation of attendance. The shortlisted reserve singers or re-invited WYC alumnis will be contacted in case any of the selected singers is unable to take part in the World Youth Choir 2017 programme or fails to confirm their attendance.
Liv Lund Poulsen - Denmark
Isa Berix -Netherlands
Elsie Mokaya - Kenya
Teresa Villena - Spain
Sofia Boukdir - Sweden
Sofia Isabel Riera Rivas - Venezuela
Lukas Gunawan Arga R.- Indonesia
Valentin Hinostroza - Peru
Yulbin Kim - Republic of Korea
Aurore Clerbois - Belgium
Rayanne Carrara - Brazil
Nora Zeigure - Latvia
Jacqueline Jye Yee Teng - Malaysia
Kevin Michael Maske - Phillipines
Franco Basili - Argentina
Louis Fourie - South Africa
Lin Huan-Wei - Taiwan
Chai-Ming Ko - Taiwan
Domonkos Dergez - Hungary
All the singers above have been contacted and are aware of their status as reserve singers. Pending decision of the jury, they will be contacted in case any of the selected singers is unable to take part in the World Youth Choir 2017 programme or fails to confirm their attendance